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Our amazing experiences @ BBWF19 in Amsterdam

Was the Broadband Forum really “A separation of facts from fiction”?

After a relaxing weekend, it is a great time, to sum up, our impressions from this year’s Broadband World Forum.

You, who have been following our Linked In account, already know how enthusiastic we were about this year’s BBWF.

Unmistakably because of the astonishing city, but also because of the promoted themes and panels. 

We expected at the very least “a separation of facts from fiction.”

Did BBWF live up to our expectations?

Perhaps our expectations were a little too high, but the forum itself was relatively small. Some visitors even commented that topics have been repeating. However, sessions were quite interesting: from the ones focused on technology achievements to the ones more into daily use of telecom connectivity in our lives. 

Truth be honest, this was a great event for us. All three days our stand was filled with guests, visitors and passers-by. Hopefully, everyone who was interested to hear more about our products managed to reach us. Those who haven´t, don´t hesitate to contact us and arrange a meeting for a demo. 

In our opinion, the decision to host this year’s Forum in Amsterdam was a great one. 

Even though those 3 days at the Forum were intense, we still managed to find time to do some sightseeing.

We now can say, we truly understand why people fall in love with this city at first glance. It´s just astonishing and we certainly lack words to describe it. 

For sure, we are looking forward to next year Forum – again in Amsterdam. 

Bulb Team

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